cicd engine

Validating Terraform Code for Security, Cost, and Compliance using Brainboard’s Native CI/CD Engine

Mike Tyson of the Cloud (MToC)
4 min readNov 13, 2023

In the dynamic world of cloud infrastructure, ensuring the functionality, security, cost-efficiency, and compliance of your infrastructure code is crucial. Terraform, a renowned Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, empowers developers and operations teams to define and provision infrastructure with code. However, Terraform scripts, like any code, can harbor vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, or unintended cost implications, which is where the importance of terraform validation and terraform compliance comes in.

This is where Brainboard’s native CI/CD engine, integrated seamlessly with design, comes into play, offering a streamlined solution for validating Terraform code.

Background: Understanding Terraform in the Context of Cloud Infrastructure Benefits

What is Terraform?

Terraform, crafted by HashiCorp, is an open-source tool that lets users define and provision infrastructure via a declarative configuration language. It supports multiple cloud providers, fostering benefits of cloud infrastructure through efficient management and automation.

The Imperative of Code Validation in IaC

Adopting IaC brings software development principles to infrastructure management. As such, Terraform scripts require rigorous validation, a key aspect of terraform ci/cd, to ensure error-free, secure, and cost-effective deployment, highlighting the benefits of cloud infrastructure.

Introduction to Brainboard

Brainboard stands at the forefront, offering tools to enhance development and deployment, including a native CI/CD engine for seamless terraform validation and terraform cicd integration.

The Criticality of Validation for Terraform Compliance

Security Risks in Terraform Code:

Terraform scripts, if not validated, can introduce vulnerabilities leading to security incidents, underscoring the need for robust terraform validation.

Cost Concerns in Misconfigured Infrastructure:

Improper Terraform configuration can incur unexpected costs, emphasizing the need for validation terraform processes.

Adherence to Compliance and Best Practices:

Ensuring infrastructure meets industry standards is crucial, which is facilitated by terraform compliance and terraform ci/cd practices.

Brainboard’s Native CI/CD Engine: A Tool for Terraform CI/CD

Overview of the CI/CD Engine

terraform cicd

Brainboard’s CI/CD engine is designed to automate the process of code validation and deployment. It offers a range of features tailored to the needs of modern development and operations teams, ensuring that Terraform code is validated against predefined rules and best practices.

Features and Benefits

The engine automates code validation and deployment, offering features like automated testing, continuous integration, and continuous deployment, central to terraform cicd.

Integration with Design Tools for Terraform Compliance

Brainboard’s engine integrates with design tools, aligning infrastructure design with implementation, a vital part of terraform compliance.

Step-by-Step Guide: Utilizing Brainboard for Terraform Validation

static analysis terraform code
  1. Navigate to Brainboard’s deploy tab.
  2. Drag & Drop Validation Rules: From the available open-source tools such as Infracost, tfsec or checkov, drag and drop your preferred security or cost check tools onto the validation canvas.
  3. Configure each task dropped into the CI/CD canvas
  4. Save the CI/CD as a template to not repeat yourself
  5. Once all validation rules are set, click on “Run Validation” to initiate the CI/CD pipeline.
  6. The Brainboard CI/CD engine will automatically fetch the latest code from your repository and begin the validation process.
  7. Upon completion, the output will be displayed in the “Pipeline” section.
  8. Review any warnings, errors, or recommendations provided by the engine.
  9. Make necessary adjustments to your Terraform code based on the feedback and re-run the validation if needed.

Benefits of Using Brainboard for Terraform Validation and Terraform CI/CD

  • Real-time Feedback: Immediate design feedback aligns with benefits of cloud infrastructure.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Reduces back-and-forth, embodying efficient terraform cicd processes.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Ensures alignment of infrastructure designs with security, cost, and compliance requirements, a core aspect of terraform compliance.
  • Reduced Errors: Early issue detection in the design phase reduces deployment mistakes, showcasing the benefits of cloud infrastructure.

Conclusion: Ensuring Robust, Secure, and Cost-effective Cloud Solutions with Brainboard’s Terraform CI/CD

Brainboard’s CI/CD engine integrates terraform validation and terraform cicd into the design and deployment process, reinforcing secure, efficient, and compliant cloud infrastructure.



As a growth architect in the cloud (AKA Brainboard), I build scalable solutions to drive business growth and improve efficiency while learning to code.